• Operand
  • some 1 had 2.


since 2024-04-24.

Operand Company is an engineering alliance based in DC, USA; producing code modules required by independent companies and group organizers.

://operand.online is produced by Calliope Youngblood, and models core ideas underpinning large cloud companies.

Pro gram:

Our original code is shared as a public resource. A long-running aim is to make code more explorable, perhaps combining a symbol index and graphical mapping.

Pro pose:

resource domain
our comms op://msg
our code op://share
our designs op://paper
our research op://page
our signal op://pulse
our audience op://session
our books op://library
our inbox op://mail
our passcodes op://padloc
...and more? recommend open-source programs.

    Open Issues:

  • by @c4lliope
    Labeled as speed, chronicle

    • [x] App re-launches share a common dependency cache.
    • [ ] chronicle and issue changes require an app re-launch.