• Operand
  • # (b)ring mi - belles.


> ./lib/pain_web/components/Conditions.ex

(coming soon!)

defmodule PainWeb.Components.Conditions do
  use Surface.LiveComponent

  data language, :string, default: "English", values!: ["English", "Chinese"]

  def handle_event "choose_language", params, socket do
    {:noreply, socket |> assign(:language, params["lang"]) }

  def render(assigns) do
      ul, ol { padding-left: 2rem; line-height: 1.1rem; }
      li { margin-bottom: 0.4rem; }
      ul { list-style: disc; }
      ol { list-style: decimal; }
      .legal { margin-bottom: 2rem; }
      input[checked] { background: #117864; }
      hr { margin-bottom: 2rem; }

    <div class="conditions-render">
      <div class="choose-lang">
        {#for lang <- ~w[ English Chinese ]}
          <label class="label">
            <input name="language" type="radio" class="radio" :on-click="choose_language"
              checked={@language == lang} phx-value-lang={lang} />


      <h2>Terms &amp; Conditions ({@language}):</h2>

      <div class="legal">
        {#if @language == "English"}
            Our customers’ health, satisfaction, and experience are our utmost priority and we aim to give you all that you need and have you leave
            us feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Thus, we understand the desire to extend your initial scheduled time. However, we ask that you check
            with the front desk whether there is sufficient time to extend your appointment before doing so, out of courtesy for the next scheduled
            client. We aim to reduce the wait times and ensure everyone is seen in a timely manner.

            <li>I give my permission to receive massage therapy.</li>
            <li>I understand that therapeutic massage is not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or medications.</li>
            <li>I understand that the massage therapist does not diagnose illnesses or injuries, or prescribe medications.</li>
              I understand the risks associated with massage therapy include, but are not limited to:
                <li>Superficial bruising</li>
                <li>Short-term muscle soreness</li>
                <li>Exacerbation of undiscovered injury</li>
              I, therefore, release the company and the individual massage therapist from all liability concerning these injuries that may occur during the massage session.
              <li>I understand the importance of informing my massage therapist of all medical conditions and medications I am taking, and to let the massage therapist know about any changes to these.</li>
              <li>I understand that there may be additional risks based on my physical condition.</li>
              <li>I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my massage therapist of any discomfort I may feel during the massage session so he/she may adjust accordingly.</li>
              <li>I understand that I or the massage therapist may terminate the session at any time. </li>
              <li>I have been given a chance to ask questions about the massage therapy session and/or Chinese Medical Treatment and my questions have been answered.</li>
        {#elseif @language == "Chinese"}