• Operand
  • # (b)ring mi - belles.


> ./lib/op_web/live/domain/index.html.heex

(coming soon!)

<% use Phoenix.HTML %>

<div id="home">
  <section id="operand-company">
    <%= """
    # Operand

    > [since 2024-04-24.](/page/corporal)

    Operand Company is an engineering alliance based in DC, USA;
    busy producing code modules needed by independent companies and group organizers.

    `://operand.online` is produced by Calliope Youngblood;
    Please message concerns or recommendacións on Signal: `@c4lliope.99`


    Please see our public resource subdomains:

    | resource | domain |
    | :--- | :--- |
    | our code | [`://share.operand.space`][share] |
    | our research | [`://page.operand.space`][page] |

    #{~w[share page] |> Enum.map(& "[#{&1}]: https://#{&1}.operand.space\n")}

    Older domains may be recommissioned, including:
    * [://backlog.space</a>](https://backlog.space)
    * [://labori.us</a>](https://labori.us)
    * [://hyperdemocracy.us</a>](https://labori.us)
    """ |> Render.embed |> raw %>

  <section id="gram">
    <h2>Code bases; pro "gram".</h2>
    Our original codebases are being shared as a public resource.
    A long-running aim is to make code more explorable,
    using a combinación of symbol-indexing and language-mapping.
    <ul><%= for base <- Base.index() do %>
      <li><a href={~p"/gram/#{base}"}>
        <%= base %>
    <% end %></ul>

  <ul id="chronicle" style="list-style: none;">
    <h2>Chronicle: Day by Day</h2>

    <%= for {"chronicle-" <> _key, page} <- @streams.chronicles do %>
      <li id={page.key} style="margin-bottom: 3rem; padding: none;">
          <.link navigate={~p"/chronicle/#{page.key}"} >
            <%= page.name %>

        <div><time><%= page.day %></time> by <%= page.composer %></div>
        <div>Labeled as <%= Enum.join(page.labels, ", ") %></div>

        <p style="margin-left: 2rem;">
        <%= page.summary |> MDEx.to_html |> raw %>
    <% end %>

  <ul id="issues" style="list-style: none;">
    <h2>Open Issues:</h2>

    <%= for {"issue-" <> _key, page} <- @streams.issues do %>
      <li id={page.key} style="margin-bottom: 3rem; padding: none;">
          <.link navigate={~p"/issue/#{page.key}"} >
            <%= page.name %>

        <div><time><%= page.day %></time> by <%= page.composer %></div>
        <div>Labeled as <%= Enum.join(page.labels, ", ") %></div>

        <p style="margin-left: 2rem;">
        <%= page.summary |> MDEx.to_html |> raw %>
    <% end %>