Signal drop!
Relay ( is unreachable.
Usually, a dropped signal means an upgrade is happening. Hold on!
Sorry, no connección.
Hang in there while we get back on track
> ./nixos/module/maddy.nix
(coming soon!)
# Based on:
{ ipv4, ipv6, domain }:
{ options, config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 53 465 993 ];
# ""
# ""
# ""
# ""
security.acme = {
acceptTerms = true; = "";
# certs."${domain}" = {
# group =;
# dnsProvider = "namedotcom";
# environmentFile = pkgs.writeText "name-com-creds" ''
# NAMECOM_API_TOKEN=faf580aa639bb52c84d353d64b7d756fe525d58e
# '';
# };
services.maddy = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
primaryDomain = domain;
hostname = domain;
# group = "nginx";
ensureAccounts = [
ensureCredentials = {
"".passwordFile = (pkgs.writeText "checkcheck" "abcd1234");
"".passwordFile = (pkgs.writeText "checkcheck" "abcd1234");
"".passwordFile = (pkgs.writeText "checkcheck" "abcd1234");
tls = {
loader = "acme";
extraConfig = ''
host ${domain}
# challenge tls-alpn-01
# challenge http-01
challenge dns-01
dns namedotcom {
user c_lliope
token faf580aa639bb52c84d353d64b7d756fe525d58e
# tls = { loader = "file"; certificates = [ {
# keyPath = "/var/lib/acme/${domain}/key.pem";
# certPath = "/var/lib/acme/${domain}/cert.pem";
# } ]; };
# Enable TLS listeners. Configuring this via the module is not yet
# implemented, see
config = builtins.replaceStrings [
"imap tcp://"
"submission tcp://"
"msgpipeline local_routing {"
"min_tls_level encrypted"
"dmarc yes"
"optional_step file /etc/maddy/aliases"
] [
"imap tls:// tcp://"
"submission tls:// tcp://"
''msgpipeline local_routing {
check {
rspamd {
api_path http://localhost:11334
"min_tls_level none"
''dmarc yes
max_message_size 64M''
"optional_step static {
# services.nsd = {
# enable = true;
# interfaces = [ ipv4 ipv6 ]; # [ "" "::"
# zones."${domain}.".data = let
# # domain key is produced by maddy, in:
# # /var/lib/maddy/dkim_keys/${domain}_default.dns
# domainkey = ''v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAr+RvDNgsbyjbvl/VprKxwrZPqDJIYnjIvA9wvp08hCLOXq1MDf20Uo6GKpCF5mJ+l02soVuUiewrSk0pG9P3RkzBw/fwBkKcFLsClQBLtFxaSDFrN3tUmKFt4Epi25VVHZeiAzPUEbHAzVqzK9k4h63XljjMMY/n+HknI4A0VXudBlOCRDW7xzmxubkpQMz0EJxyq1RKPBsS5jtOZVuLeQrRXmCLZrpv7+AAKgJiIXb0kAZHsHHSecxYv7/i8PUVtLPlQovdelALP5NchkUqecJdfTFX9Vz+0BsB+8Zc4ZV3EB7IARcVHTNpU0jsbBAIJx8De+RIEc0LToPjKC+8pwIDAQAB'';
# segments = ((pkgs.lib.stringLength domainkey) / 255);
# dk_prepared = map (x: pkgs.lib.substring (x*255) 255 domainkey) (pkgs.lib.range 0 segments);
# in ''
# @ SOA ns.${domain} noc.${domain} 666 7200 3600 1209600 3600
# @ A ${ipv4}
# @ AAAA ${ipv6}
# * A ${ipv4}
# * AAAA ${ipv6}
# @ MX 10 @
# @ A ${ipv4}
# @ AAAA ${ipv6}
# @ TXT "v=spf1 mx ~all"
# _dmarc TXT "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; ruf=mailto:mail@${domain}
# _mta-sts TXT "v=STSv1; id=1"
# _smtp._tls TXT "v=TLSRPTv1;rua=mailto:mail@${domain}"
# _autodiscover._tcp SRV 0 0 443 autoconfig
# _25._tcp.${domain}. TLSA 3 1 1 8440c25ffc0eb3270e6467a0a4309859eb9e5771b3ae83704e3d2ce721c943d1
# default._domainkey TXT "${lib.concatStringsSep "\" \"" dk_prepared}"
# '';
# };
services.roundcube = {
enable = true; configureNginx = true;
hostName = "${domain}";
extraConfig = ''
$config['smtp_server'] = "tls://${}";
$config['smtp_user'] = "%u";
$config['smtp_pass'] = "%p";
# services.nginx.enable = true;
# users.users.nginx.extraGroups = [ "maddy" ];
# services.nginx.virtualHosts."${domain}" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; };
services.go-autoconfig = {
enable = true;
settings = {
service_addr = ":1323";
domain = "map.${domain}";
imap = { server = "${domain}"; port = 993; };
smtp = { server = "${domain}"; port = 587; };
services.rspamd = {
enable = true;
locals."dkim_signing.conf".text = ''
selector = "default";
domain = "";
path = "/var/lib/maddy/dkim_keys/$domain_$selector.key";
}; = [ "maddy" ];
services.caddy = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts."mta-sts.${domain}".extraConfig = ''
encode gzip
root * ${
pkgs.runCommand "testdir" {} ''
mkdir -p "$out/.well-known"
echo "
version: STSv1
mode: enforce
max_age: 604800
mx: ${domain}
" > "$out/.well-known/mta-sts.txt"
virtualHosts."map.${domain}".extraConfig = ''
reverse_proxy http://localhost:1323
virtualHosts."${domain}".extraConfig = ''
reverse_proxy http://localhost:80
tls "/var/lib/acme/${domain}/cert.pem" "/var/lib/acme/${domain}/key.pem"
# Of course autoconfig.${domain} domain should point to your server running the SSL enabled web service.
# TLS it not available or unauthenticated but required
# This error occurs if the receiving mail server has a invalid or none TLS
# configuration. The default configuration of Maddy enforces a valid TLS
# connection to the remote server for delivery. If you want to disable this
# default policy, apply following configuration hack
# Maddy is a composable, modern mail server written in Go. It includes
# everything required to manage users, inboxes, send and receive mails while
# supporting all important secure protocols and standards.
# The following example enables the Maddy mail server on localhost, listening
# on mail delivery SMTP/Submission ports (25, 587) and IMAP port (143) for mail
# clients to connect to. Mailboxes for the accounts and
# get created if they don't exist yet.
# This local test setup doesn't provide secure TLS connections and should be
# used only for testing purpose.
# The following example changes the hostname for the mail server to the public
# domain TLS certificates are obtained using using the ACME dns-01
# challenge. This requires API access to your domain provider. See upstream
# documentation for a list on supported providers and how to configure them.
# Further the TLS connection is enabled on IMAP port 993 and Submission port 465.
# Alternativley certificates can be manually loaded with setting tls.loader =
# "file"; and manually specifiying key and certificates file paths using the
# tls.certificates = []; option. In this case, more ACME protocols and
# providers are available when using the native NixOS ACME module or manual
# client tools like Certbot.
# DNS records: It is possibly easier to configure our own authoritative-only
# DNS server, which provides important setup information to other mail servers
# and clients. For details about the meaning of the specific DNS records or
# manual setup instructions see the Maddy setup tutorial.
# Update the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses after A and AAAA to the one which points
# to the publc IP addresses of your mail server. The last entry is used by the
# DKIM authentication mechanism which enables recipients to verify the
# authenticity of mails send by your server. They key is read from the file
# generated by Maddy on the first startup at
# /var/lib/maddy/dkim_keys/${domain}_default.dns and spitted in segments of
# 255 chars length to fulfill the DNS record requirements.
# Now that your server also runs a DNS daemon besides the mail server, you have
# to configure it as the external nameserver of your domain ${domain}. Please
# consult your domain provider on how to do that.
# rDNS: It is important that the public facing IP of your mail server resolves
# to the MX domain domain. This is something you would normally configure on your
# server provider site. You can check if it's resolving correctly by running
# this command
# # nix shell nixpkgs#bind --command dig -x
# 6244 IN PTR ${domain}.
# MTA-STS enforces secure TLS configuration for servers which support this
# standard. We already advertised this feature in the DNS records above, but we
# also have to serve a static configuration file using a web server. We use the
# web server Caddy to do this but of course you can other Web Servers too.
# Replace the domain mta-sts.${domain} and the domain ${domain} with
# the ones you're using.
# Using a TLSA (DANE) record is recommended to bind TLS-certificates to a
# server. Your nameserver needs DNSSEC support for it. You can generate the key
# using following command
# # nsh hash-slinger tlsa --create --selector 1 --protocol tcp -p 25 --create ${domain}
# Add the key to a new TLSA record in your nameserver
# To verify if the record is set correctly
# # nix shell nixpkgs#dnsutils --command dig _25._tcp.${domain} TLSA +short
# 3 1 1 7f59d873a70e224b184c95a4eb54caa9621e47d48b4a25d312d83d96 e3498238
# Check if DNSSEC is working correctly for your new TLSA record
# # nix shell nixpkgs#dnsutils --command delv _25._tcp.${domain} TLSA @
# ; fully validated
# _25._tcp.${domain}. 10800 IN TLSA 3 1 1 7f59d873a70e224b184c95a4eb54caa9621e47d48b4a25d312d83d96 e3498238
# _25._tcp.${domain}. 10800 IN RRSIG TLSA 13 5 10800 20230601000000 20230511000000 39688 ${domain}. He9VYZ35xTC3fNo8GJa6swPrZodSnjjIWPG6Th2YbsOEKTV1E8eGtJ2A +eyBd9jgG+B3cA/jw8EJHmpvy/buCw==
# To verify that the TLSA record matches the TLS certificate of the mail
# server, issue following openssl command
# # openssl s_client -connect ${domain}:25 -starttls smtp -dane_tlsa_domain ${domain} -dane_tlsa_rrdata "3 1 1 7f59d873a70e224b184c95a4eb54caa9621e47d48b4a25d312d83d96"
# Verify return code: 0 (ok)
# Replace the hostnames and the TLSA hash according to your configuration.
# Spam filtering: You can enable and use rspamd spam filtering daemon like this;
# The second part in this example replaces a part in the default config of the
# Maddy module and inserts the rspamd check to the message pipeline as
# described in the upstream documentation.
# The rspamd article also has some notes on how to achieve training for
# spam/ham mails using an additional helper script.
# Mail attachement size: The default max mail attachement size is set to 32MB,
# for a higher value (in this case 64MB) change the default configuration via
# this workaround
# Alias addresses: The following example will add an alias mailA@${domain} for the local mail
# address mailB@${domain} meaning that every mail send to mailA will get
# delivered to mailB.
# Test mail server:
# You can use several online tools to test your mail server configuration:
# - Test your mail server configuration for validity and security.
# - Send a mail to this service and get a rating about the "spaminess" of your mail server.
# Send a mail to the echo server You should receive a response containing your message in several seconds.
# Autoconfig: Since Maddy does not support this feature yet, you can run an
# additional web service which provides autoconfig or autodiscover files for
# various mail clients like Thunderbird, iOS Mail or Outlook, so you don't have
# to manually configure your server settings into these apps. In this example,
# we're going to tell the clients, that our mail server is running on the
# domain ${domain} and which IMAP/SMTP ports to use
# Users and inboxes: Creating credentials and inboxes for a specific account.
# The first command creates the user and will prompt for a password.
# # maddyctl creds create mail@${domain}
# # maddyctl imap-acct create mail@${domain}
# # maddyctl creds password mail@${domain}