Signal drop!
Relay ( is unreachable.
Usually, a dropped signal means an upgrade is happening. Hold on!
Sorry, no connección.
Hang in there while we get back on track
> ./nixos/module/hypr/lock.nix
(coming soon!)
{home-manager, ...}:
home-manager.users.calliope.home.file.".config/hypr/hyprlock.conf".text = ''
background {
monitor =
color = rgba(100, 0, 100, 0.6)
# path = screenshot
# all these options are taken from hyprland, see for explanations
blur_passes = 0
# blur_size = 5
# noise = 0.0117
# contrast = 0.8916
# brightness = 0.8172
# vibrancy = 0.1696
# vibrancy_darkness = 0.0
# image {
# monitor =
# path = /home/username/image/so-and-so.png
# size = 150 # lesser side if not 1:1 ratio
# rounding = -1 # negative values mean circle
# border_size = 0
# rotate = 0 # degrees, counter-clockwise
# position = 0, 200
# halign = center
# valign = center
# }
input-field {
monitor =
size = 200, 50
outline_thickness = 3
dots_size = 0.33 # Scale of input-field height, 0.2 - 0.8
dots_spacing = 0.15 # Scale of dots' absolute size, 0.0 - 1.0
dots_center = false
dots_rounding = -1 # -1 default circle, -2 follow input-field rounding
fade_on_empty = true
fade_timeout = 1000 # Milliseconds before fade_on_empty is triggered.
placeholder_text = <i>Input Password...</i> # Text rendered in the input box when it's empty.
hide_input = false
rounding = -1 # -1 means complete rounding (circle/oval)
fail_text = <i>$FAIL <b>($ATTEMPTS)</b></i> # can be set to empty
fail_transition = 300 # transition time in ms between normal outer_color and fail_color
capslock_color = 1
numlock_color = 1
bothlock_color = 1 # when both locks are active. -1 means don't change outer color (same for above)
invert_numlock = false # change color if numlock is off
swap_font_color = false # see below
position = 0, -20
halign = center
valign = center
label {
monitor =
text = < Logging in on Chesapeake >
font_size = 25
rotate = 0 # degrees, counter-clockwise
position = 0, 160
halign = center
valign = center
label {
monitor =
text = $TIME
font_size = 20
font_family = Intel One Mono
rotate = 0 # degrees, counter-clockwise
position = 0, 80
halign = center
valign = center
## Sample: Stylix colorscheme; incredibly broken.
# ${let color = hex: ''rgb("+config.lib.stylix.colors.base${hex}-rgb-r","+config.lib.stylix.colors.base${hex}-rgb-r","+config.lib.stylix.colors.base${hex}-rgb-r")''; in ''
# outer_color = ${color "07"}
# inner_color = ${color "00"}
# font_color = ${color "07"}
# check_color = ${color "0A"}
# fail_color = ${color "08"}
# color = ${color "07"}
# ''}