Signal drop!
Relay ( is unreachable.
Usually, a dropped signal means an upgrade is happening. Hold on!
Sorry, no connección.
Hang in there while we get back on track
> ./nixos/module/hypr/idle.nix
(coming soon!)
{home-manager, ...}:
home-manager.users.calliope.home.file.".config/hypr/hypridle.conf".text = ''
general {
lock_cmd = pgrep hyprlock || hyprlock
before_sleep_cmd = loginctl lock-session
ignore_dbus_inhibit = false
listener {
timeout = 360 # in seconds
on-timeout = loginctl lock-session
listener {
timeout = 720 # in seconds
on-timeout = systemctl suspend
# general {
# lock_cmd = pidof hyprlock || hyprlock # avoid starting multiple hyprlock instances.
# before_sleep_cmd = loginctl lock-session # lock before suspend.
# after_sleep_cmd = hyprctl dispatch dpms on # to avoid having to press a key twice to turn on the display.
# }
# listener {
# timeout = 150 # 2.5min.
# on-timeout = brightnessctl -s set 10 # set monitor backlight to minimum, avoid 0 on OLED monitor.
# on-resume = brightnessctl -r # monitor backlight restore.
# }
# # turn off keyboard backlight, comment out this section if you dont have a keyboard backlight.
# listener {
# timeout = 150 # 2.5min.
# on-timeout = brightnessctl -sd rgb:kbd_backlight set 0 # turn off keyboard backlight.
# on-resume = brightnessctl -rd rgb:kbd_backlight # turn on keyboard backlight.
# }
# listener {
# timeout = 300 # 5min
# on-timeout = loginctl lock-session # lock screen when timeout has passed
# }
# listener {
# timeout = 330 # 5.5min
# on-timeout = hyprctl dispatch dpms off # screen off when timeout has passed
# on-resume = hyprctl dispatch dpms on # screen on when activity is detected after timeout has fired.
# }
# listener {
# timeout = 1800 # 30min
# on-timeout = systemctl suspend # suspend pc
# }