Signal drop!
Relay ( is unreachable.
Usually, a dropped signal means an upgrade is happening. Hold on!
Sorry, no connección.
Hang in there while we get back on track
> ./config/nushell/
(coming soon!)
def "pipe" --wrapped [
--label (-l): string,
--address (-a)?: path,
--call (-c)?: path,
# -a, --args <ARGS>
...command: string,
] {
let address = $"file:/encu/pipe/($label).wasm"
let command = if ( $address | is-empty
) { $"zellij pipe --name ($label) -- ($command)" # each pipe already plugged in
} else {
if ( $call | is-empty
) { $"zellij pipe --plugin ($address) --name ($label) -- ($command)" # plug in, use a pipe by address
} else { $"zellij pipe --plugin ($address) --plugin-configuration ($call) --name ($label) -- ($command)" # plug in, use a pipe by address and addicional called orders.
# Bidireccional comms
tail -f $"/encu/log/($label)" | zellij pipe --name ($label) --plugin ($address) | wc -l
# Remember! As some pipes become popular,
# people may choose and begin running some as background processes;
# `sources` or `drains`, as a simple plumbing analogy.
# In such cases, zellij should load in pipes preceding any command issuances.
# In all cases, drains and sources should be made clear on screen.
# More choices:
# -n, --name <NAME>
# -a, --args <ARGS>
# -h, --help
# -p, --plugin <PLUGIN>
# none named ? > all running pipes
# named; none seen as running ? > launches pipe
# "file:" <> $local_pipe_address <> ".wasm" ? > launches pipe or uses running
# "https://" <> $domain <> $online_pipe_address <> ".wasm" ? > launches pipe or uses running