• Operand
  • # (b)ring mi - belles.


> ./config/nushell/command.nu

(coming soon!)

source ~/.config/nushell/nix.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/machine.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/day.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/place.nu

# Here you are reading `command.nu`,
# a code measure made using a language called [`nushell`](https://nushell.sh).

# As much as possible, each code line is made up as a single command.
# As you begin learning commands, soon each one shall begin merging and mingling.
# Some code lines are also described by special symbols,
# usually placed under each paragraph. Like so!
def l [node: path] { clear; (ls $node).name | path basename }

def panel [] { firefox 'about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox' }
# Our code also can pull in, and depend on, more measures. Here's one such case.
source ~/.config/nushell/code.nu

def local [
  range:string = "10.0.0.*";
] {
  nmap $range | split row "\n\n" | each {|r|
    $r | lines | get 0 | split column ' for ' | try { get column2 | get 0 }

def "ip scan" [ --dura (-d): duration = 8sec ] { loop { clear
  try { print (address) }
  print ''
  ip a
sleep $dura } }

def "ps scan" [ name:string, --dura (-d): duration = 8sec, ] { loop { clear
  netstat -tunlp | tail -n+3 | lines | split column -r ' +' | where column7 =~ $"/($name)" | print;
  print " "; ps | where name =~ $name | to yaml
sleep $dura } }

# Our opening command is one called `scope`.
# Scoping commands is necessary and has a reliable meaning across many domains.

def aim [command: string] { ls -l ...(which $command | get path) | get target }

def sync [] { nsh ntp sudo ntpdate time.nist.gov }

def scope --wrapped [ node: path = .,
  --code (-c),
  ...command: string,
] { cd $node; if ( $command | is-empty ) { change . } else { (...$command) }
  if $code { cap; try { code c } } }

# `change` happens so much, you can be quicker by using `ch`.
def change --wrapped [ ...nodes: path ] { hx ...($nodes | path expand) }
def ch --wrapped [ ...nodes: path ] { hx ...($nodes | path expand) }

def loc [] { nsh hyprlock hyprlock }
def padloc [] { nvim `~/Downloads/passbolt-export-2024-06-06(3).csv` }

def scene [] {
  firefox 'https://paper.garden/#/view/9c585a14-68e8-81eb-8003-75348e700227?page-id=88655af3-d07d-8058-8004-56a921c9f8ba&section=interactions&index=0&share-id=1079b0fe-d8fd-81eb-8004-56bfebec1806'

# common sessions and upgrades
def build [] { session run build; }
def rebuild [] { scope -c ~/.build/nixos; sudo nixos-rebuild switch; }
def rebase [] { cd ~/.build/nixos; scope -c; colmena apply --on base build; }

def mkcd [node:path] { mkdir $node; cd $node }
def shrug [] { echo '¯\_(ツ)_/¯' }
def again [] { nu -c (atuin history list --session --cmd-only | ag -v again | tail -n 1) }

def descend [
  -l: int = 0,
  -c: string = '.git',
  command: string
] { if ($l > 0) { ls -d | where type == dir | get name | par-each {|d| cd $d;
  if ( [ '.' $c ] | path join | path exists ) { nu -c $command
  } else { descend -l ($l - 1) -c $c $command } } } }

def "descend log" [
  -l: int = 0,
] { let node = $"./(clock | str trim).descend.log"
  let graphs = descend -l $l -c .git 'print ""; git remote -v; print "---"; git fetch -p; git log --graph --all --format=format:"%h %G? (%ai) %aN: %s | %d" --abbrev-commit --date=relative -n 120'
  $graphs | str join "\n\n---\n\n" | save -f $node; ch $node

# def remember [name:string] {
#   let cmd = atuin history list --session --cmd-only | ag -v again | tail -n 2 | head -n 1;
#   echo $"def ($name) [] { ($cmd) }" | save --append ~/.build/config/nushell/command.nu }

def play [node:path] { firefox $"file://($node | path expand)" }

def deploy [node:string] { cd ~/.build/nixos;
  colmena apply --on ($node) switch }

# HacDC Shelf animations
def sl [anim:string] { ssh hacdc@ $'echo ($anim) | nc localhost 5000'; }
def ss [anim:string] { ssh hacdc@ $'echo ($anim) | nc localhost 5000'; }
def s [ side:string, anim:string ] {
  if ($side == 'a') { ssh hacdc@ $'echo ($anim) | nc localhost 5000';
  } else { ssh hacdc@ $'echo ($anim) | nc localhost 5000'; } }
def zoom [delay:duration = 60sec] { loop {
  [ a b ] | par-each { |s| s $s lightsaber_off }
  [ a b ] | par-each { |s| s $s lightsaber_on }
  [ a b ] | par-each { |s| s $s let_me_in_anim }
  [ a b ] | par-each { |s| s $s flicker_off }
  [ a b ] | par-each { |s| s $s let_me_in_anim }
  [ a b ] | par-each { |s| s $s flicker_on }
  sleep $delay;
} }

# -pass all channels:
# hide() { for node in $@; do mv $node .$node; done; }
# open() { xdg-open $@; }
# vi() { echo 'Please use `ch` or `change`, as in:'; echo "  ch $@;"; echo; nvim $@; }

def slp [] { systemctl suspend; swaylock; }
def comm [] { [
  "element-desktop" "signal-desktop" "webcord" "whatsapp-for-linux" "zulip"
  ] | par-each { |cmd| (nu -c $cmd) } }
def conn [] {
  ip a | ag '^\d+: ' | lines |
  each {|l| $l | split column ':' | get 0 | get column2 } |
  each {|conn| sudo ethtool $conn }
  sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd; }

def mod [] { (cat ~/.build/nixos/module.nix | lines) }

def help [
  package: string,
  --command (-c): string,
  --less (-l),
  --record (-r),
] {
  let command = if ($command | is-empty) { $package } else { $command }
  if $record { mkdir ~/help
    echo (nsh $package $command --help) | save -f ($"~/help/($command).help" | path expand) }
  if $less {
    nsh $package $command --help | less
  } else {
    nsh $package $command --help }

def gc [] {
  sudo nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 6d |
  tee { save ([ $env.HOME .build share log $"(clock | str trim).nix-gc.log" ] | path join) }

def nd --wrapped [...command: string] {
  if $command == [] { nix develop
  } else { nix develop --command ...($command) }

def upgrade [] { sudo nix-channel --update; cd ~/.build/nixos; nix flake update; rebuild; }
def pstree [] { nix-shell -p pstree --command 'pstree -U'
  | str replace -ar '/nix/store/(\w{6})\w+-(\w+)-(.+)/' "/nix/store/$1*-$2-*/"; }

def muse --wrapped [ ...call ] { nix-shell -p spotify-player --command $"spotify_player ($call | str join ' ')"; }

# Gstreamer hacks
def gst-pkg [...grades:string] {
  "gstreamer" ++ ($grades | each {|grade| $"gst-plugins-($grade)"})
  | each {|pkg| $"gst_all_1.($pkg)" } }

def gin [commands: string] { (nix-shell -p ffmpeg ...(gst-pkg base good bad ugly)
  --command $"gst-inspect-1.0 ($commands)";) }

def chan [] { (nix-shell -p ...(gst-pkg base good)
  --command 'gst-launch-1.0 \
  audiotestsrc freq=220 ! audioconvert ! autoaudiosink \
  videotestsrc ! videoconvert ! autovideosink';) }

def noise [noise: string] { (nix-shell -p ...(gst-pkg base good bad)
  --command $'gst-launch-1.0 \
  audiotestsrc wave=($noise) ! audioconvert ! autoaudiosink \
  audiotestsrc wave=($noise) ! spacescope ! videoconvert ! autovideosink';) }

# manage processes
def pause   [command:string] { ps | where name =~ $command | get pid | str join ' ' | xargs kill -STOP; }
def unpause [command:string] { ps | where name =~ $command | get pid | str join ' ' | xargs kill -CONT; }
def hold [program:string pause:duration] { pause $program; sleep $pause; unpause $program; }
def killall [command:string] { nix-shell -p killall --command $"killall ($command)"; }
def process [command:string] { ps | where name =~ $command; }

# log() { echo "cd $PWD && $@ # $(date -Is)" >> ~/.build/log;
#   echo "$($@)" | ruby -e 'puts STDIN.readlines.map{|l|"# #{l}"}.join' |
#     tee -a ~/.build/log; echo >> ~/.build/log; }

# -1 channel: node place:
# bin() { change ~/bin/$1; chmod +x ~/bin/$1; }
# build-in() { for lang in $@; do asdf plugin add $1; asdf install $1 latest; asdf global $1 latest; asdf reshim $1; done; }
# cmd() { ~/base/cmd/$1/cmd/$2; }
# co() { cd ~/company/$1; }
# domain() { cd ~/place/$1/domain/; }
# hex() { cd ~/base/hex/$1; }
# place() { cd ~/place/$1; }
# replace() { mkdir -p $(dirname $1); change $1; }
# run() { mkdir $1; cd $1; }

# query
def shape [cmd: string] { which $cmd; }

# access() { cat log/*access* | rg 'GET / ' | rg -v -i googlebot | rg -v 'paloaltonetworks.com'; }
def address [] { http get "https://api.ipify.org" }
# addresses() { ssh root@mail.assembled.app -t 'cd /mailu && docker-compose exec admin flask mailu config-export user.email'; }
def b [] { fg; }
def mark [] { ssh root@ ./goMarkableStream; }

# def rebuild [] { ch ~/.build/nixos/*.nix; c sudo nixos-rebuild switch; }
def reslice [] { sudo systemctl restart display-manager; } # user.slice
def channel [] { nix-shell -p lsof --command 'lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN'; }
def issue [] { cd ~/issue; nvim -c 'Telescope find_files'; }

# -quickies
# burn() { open -a Firefox; }
# chec() { change ~/chec.plain; }
# cloc() { nix-shell -p cloc --command 'cloc .'; }
# dns() { sudo resolvectl flush-caches; }
# gp() { gpaste-client > /dev/null; }
# kaboom() { c git k deploy main && git k origin main; }
# llm() { cd ~/place/llm/gpt4all/chat; ./gpt4all-lora-quantized-linux-x86; }
# mixup() { mix deps.compile; iex -S mix run; }
# pc() { podman-compose; }
# pclean() { podman ps -a | ag '(Created|Exited)' | ag -o '\w+$' | xargs podman rm; }
# phrase() { session run reap; cd ~/.cache.channel/etymonline/phrases/; }
# pkill() { podman ps -a | ag 'Up ' | ag -o '\w+$' | xargs podman kill; }
# pose() { g clone ~/place/assemble/pose; }
# prun() { podman run; }
# q() { clear; ls; echo; g s; echo; g lg -n 6; echo; gap; }
# relay() { python3 -m http.server; }
# remix() { mix deps.clean --all; mix deps.get; mix deps.update --all; mix deps.get; mix deps.compile; }
# x() { xplr; }
# zu() { zulip-term; }

def phx [] { mix phx.server; }

def pond [] { mkdir ~/pond; nix-shell -p seaweedfs --command "weed mount -filer= -dir ~/pond -allowOthers=false"; }
# def lake [] { mkdir ~/lake; nix-shell -p seaweedfs --command "weed mount -filer= -dir ~/lake -allowOthers=false"; }

# # more
# bl() { history | tail -n "+$(\
#   history | fzf --tac | sed -r 's/^ ([0-9]+).*$/\1/'\
#   )" | sed -r 's/^ [0-9]+ +(.*)$/\1/'; }
# passed() {
#   if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
#   cache=".passed.$(clock).command.index"; history > $cache; change $cache; else
#   history | tail -n $1; fi; }

# Super quick codebase access
let base = "base.bingo"

def base [addr:string] {
  let address = $"access@($base):($addr)"; let place = basename $addr
  if not ($place | path exists) { git clone $address }
  cd $place; git remote add base $address; }

def depend [name:string] {
  if not ($"~/base/depend/(basename $name)" | path exists) {
  cd ~/base/depend/;
  if (basename $name) != $name { mirror $name depend (basename $name) }
  git clone $"access@($base):depend/(basename $name)";
  }; cd ~/base/depend; cd (basename $name); }

def mirror [ address:string, org:string, name:string] {
  if $BUILD_BASE_BINGO == "" {
    echo $'please add your ://($base) key as `BUILD_BASE_BINGO=...`.'; exit; }
  let body = $'{ "mirror": true, "wiki": true, "private": false, "clone_addr": "($address)", "repo_owner": "($org)", "repo_name": "($name)" }'
  echo $body; curl -X POST -H "Content-Type=application/json" -d $body $"https://(
    $base)/api/v1/repos/migrate?token=($BUILD_BASE_BINGO)"; }

def policy [address: string] {
  let domain = (nix-shell -p ruby --command $"ruby -r uri -e \"puts URI.parse\('($address)'\).host\"")
  let node = (nix-shell -p ruby --command $"ruby -r uri -e \"puts URI.parse\('($address)'\).path.gsub\(/\\/$/, ''\)\"")
  let place = $"($domain)(dirname $node)";
  ( cd ~/base/code/policy; if not ($place | path exists) { mkdir $place };
    wget $address -O $"($domain)($node)";
    git add $place; git commit -m $"policy '($address)'"; git push;); }

def pull [address: string, link: string] {
  ssh $address "sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/transmission/Downloads && sudo chmod 755 /var/lib/transmission/"
  bind media media; rsync -av $"access@($address):/var/lib/transmission/Downloads/*" media/magnesis/; unbind media }

# ## Docker
# # drun() { sudo docker run; }
# # dc() { sudo docker-compose; }
# # dclean() { sudo docker ps -a | ag '(Created|Exited)' | ag -o '\w+$' | sudo xargs docker rm; }
# # dkill() { sudo docker ps -a | ag 'Up ' | ag -o '\w+$' | sudo xargs docker kill; }

# # prepare() {
# #   mkdir -p ./log
# #   rsync access@program:/var/log/nginx/$(basename $(pwd))-access.log \
# #     ./log/$(basename $(pwd)).$(date -Is | sed 's/:/-/g').access.log
# #   rsync access@program:/var/log/nginx/$(basename $(pwd))-error.log \
# #     ./log/$(basename $(pwd)).d$(date -Is | sed 's/:/-/g' | sed 's/T/c/g' ).error.log
# # }

# # logs() {
# #   clock=`date -Iseconds`
# #   node=~/place/program/log/$clock
# #   mkdir -p $node
# #   rsync access@ $node/ &&\
# #     ssh access@ sudo rm -rf /var/log/nginx/*
# #   cd $node
# # }

# # nodelines() { cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches;
# #   [[ -z "$1" ]] && return
# #   echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=$1 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p; }

def "nix lxc" [] { nix run github:nix-community/nixos-generators -- --format proxmox-lxc }

# muscle memory!
def bush [] { tree -af --gitignore -i -I .git }
def "qu medi" [] { nu -e $"(cat qu/medi.nu)" }

def keys [] {
  group-by { |n| md5sum | str replace "  -" "" } |
  table --expand

# error:
  # misaligned because a blank column appears in:
  # zellij list-sessions | columnar | rename session age bind
def columnar [] {
  lines | ansi strip |
  str replace -ra ' *\[(.+)\] *' '|$1' |
  str replace -ra ' *\<(.+)\> *' '|$1' |
  str replace -ra ' *\((.+)\) *' '|$1' |
  split column '|'

source ~/.config/nushell/bind.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/camera.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/disc.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/gram.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/screen.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/session.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/share.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/media.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/hub.nu
source ~/.config/nushell/quick.nu