• Operand
  • # (b)ring mi - belles.


> ./README.md

(coming soon!)

# `build` machines.

Please see:


> cloning is managed by http & wget only.
> pushing uses `git push` and rsync, combining our code alongside compiled pages.

wget --accept-regex 'gram\/build\/' -r https://share.operand.space/gram/build
ln -s share.operand.space/gram/build ~/.build
cd ~/.build
echo "You're ready - choose your speed."
echo "> sh proceed.sh -slo" # on nearly any unix;"
echo "> sh proceed.sh" # on nixOS
echo "Please load `nu` on your machine - [://nushell.sh](https://nushell.sh)"
echo "> nu"

See more on ://operand.online and ://share.operand.space